
Saturday, February 13, 2010

My First Blog ...

I just found my first blog that I typed on Facebook around this time last year, so I thought I would put it on here. This message should have been the first thing I posted on this blog, but oh well ... here it is.

Ryan Jones. Blogger.
Two words I never thought would go together. But here I am ... blogging. Wow.

Here's a little bit about me:
I'm oh, about 38, and an absolute St. Louis Cardinals baseball freak. Baseball offseason always puts me in a funk that usually lasts a while. I try to get into hockey, but usually I just end up getting into the latest reality show ("American Idol" is back on!! YESSSSS!!)

I work at A.G. Edwards, uh I mean, Wachovia, wait, that's not right ... ummm, let me think ... uh ... we were Citigroup for four days ... oh yeah, I know ... this month we're Wells Fargo (and hopefully we'll stay like that for a long time). This whole financial identity crisis our company has gone through has definitely been a test for everyone who works there. Due to layoffs, the team that I'm on has been cut from 11 people down to 4. Working with the dark cloud of layoffs hanging over your head for the past couple of years now has all been pretty nerve-wracking, but things seem to have settled down for a while ... at least for this month. We'll see.

But whatever happens, it'll all work out. I've always put my faith in God, and He hasn't let me down yet. Who knows, if I do get laid off someday, I just may fulfill my destiny and become what I've always believed I was called to be ... clubhouse attendant for the Cardinals ("Shine your shoes there, Mr. Pujols??" ... "Cold beverage, Mr. Pujols??")

I can't type my first blog without mentioning my best friend ... my mom, Diane Jones. Unfortunately, she passed away on March 21, 2002. Suffice to say, her death was THE turning point in my life for both some good things and, unfortunately, some not-so-good things. Her death forced me to look at my own life closer than I ever have, and made me face a lot of things that I didn't really want to face. We were there when she stepped out of this life and went on to her reward, and it was the most heart-wrenching, yet beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. I think of her every single day. I was lucky to have been her child.

If any of you have ever lost a parent to a disease -- particularly cancer -- I completely, completely understand the loss you feel. I don't believe that time heals all wounds, but, year after year, time does make things a bit more bearable.

But, life does go on, my dad got remarried and now spends half of the year living in Florida with a wonderful woman named Cathy. I can't say enough good things about her. She's a terrific person who has quickly become someone we love. We are so blessed to have her in our lives ... and she's a great cook, as well. That always seems to work magic on me!!! Put it this way ... I now eat brussel sprouts and I've learned that sloppy joes tastes best with a scoop of cole slaw on top. See what she's done to me?? :-)

I just glanced at the clock - it's 6:30 a.m. and time to leave for work!! Wow, time does go fast on here, huh??

Take care and I'll type at you soon,

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