
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I. Need. House.

Reason #63 that I really need to quit this "duplex living": You become close, really close, to your neighbors ... whether you want to or not.

A couple of weeks ago, my neighbor announced to me she was pregnant. At this point, I completely deserved the Oscar because I totally faked my surprise. Why the fake?? Because due to the thin walls separating my place from hers, I've actually been her unseen, unheard companion during all of this.

I've heard everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, during this pregnancy so far. The arguments about finances, the morning sickness (and by the way, why DO they call it that when the Walrus Call actually lasts all day long???), and yes ... even the conception ... and I thought late-night Cinemax was bad (at that point, I've NEVER appreciated more the fact that my TV's volume goes all the way up to 100!!)

I need to move. The line of duplex living must be drawn somewhere. I also feel like I should ask ... no, DEMAND ... they name the child after me. After all I've been through with them, I feel as though I deserve it.

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