
Friday, February 12, 2010


Today at work, the team I'm on is moving to another floor within Marketing. For the past, oh I don't know ... years, our team has been separated from the rest of the Marketing people, but no longer. We're all now one big, happy, dysfunctional family!! :-)

We're only moving up one floor, but I've taken this time to do a little spring cleaning at work, and I've determined that I have an illness ... an illness that has plagued me since the dawn of my time ... from the time I've been able to grab stuff with my pudgy little infant hand and put stuff somewhere ... it's an illness that I truly believe there is no known cure ... it's called ... packratitis!!!

I've been very hard on myself during this moving process, meaning if I haven't used it since 1992, it's outta here!!! :-) My self-imposed rule is "if I didn't know I even had it, I won't miss it when it's gone." Buuuuuut, some things I have kept simply for sentimental reasons. I am so sentimental it's disgusting. I can find a soft spot in my heart for just about everything. And that is what gets me in trouble sometimes. Gotta let it goooooo!!! I've limited myself to just one box of "sentimental crap" (and I have titled the box as such). Unfortunately, the box is the size of a twin-engine airplane, and that could possibly pose a problem upon moving into my new digs (how big is this new cubicle again???)

Currently, when you walk past my cube, there is no doubt who my favorite baseball team is. For the past five years, my cube has been inundated with a variety of beautifully precious (at least to me) "Cardinals stuff", to the point of being obnoxious. I'm afraid some of that stuff has got to go. For the sake of my new 6th floor neighbor, Clarke, I won't force him to look at all of that. In the immortal words of Ron Burgundy ... "stay classy, San Diego!!"

But on a good note, the Olympics start tonight!! I love this stuff!! I love the whole grandeur of the Opening Ceremony, the competitions, the medal ceremonies, blah blah blah!!! I gots to have me some snowboarding, bobsledding, speed skating with a triple toe loop and a death spiral thrown in for good measure. It all starts tonight and continues through the 26th, I think!! If none of you see me during the next two weeks, this is why. I've grown roots in front of the TV. It could get ugly!!!

Well, this whole blog thing has worked ... it's now 3:35 a.m. and I'm now tired ... SUCCESS!! I'm now off to b...zzzz-zzzzzz-zzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzz.................................


Kristin B - Buyers Agent said...

I hope your new "office" works out. How exciting! I have a similar problem with letting things build up and then having to purge them later. I've gotten better over the years but if i'm doing a deep takes me FOREVER because I have to either look at everything or I'm trying to figure out if I can live with out it. So I can totally relate.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is very interesting!! Keep it up!